Thursday, December 18, 2014

World's Medias incorrect information for war again?

Carl G. Mueller
525 14th Street, PO Box 325
San Diego, CA 92101

Mr. William Osborne
Editor U-T San Diego,(main newspaper)
P.O. Box 120191
San Diego, CA 92112-0191

Subject: Extending troop employment in the Middle East is the opposite of what President Obama promised us in his reelection campaign.  Impeachment?

I think a debate and a vote by both Houses should take place on TV regarding the details of troop employment and then voted upon by both Houses and all this shown on TV.  

I think this public viewing would also allow the people of the United States and the world to see how our Representatives feel about this war during this time in our history where we don’t seem to have enough money or kindness to help our own poor elderly citizens, but plenty of money for war?

I also think it is possible that the major media outlets are down playing the amount of troops to be sent to participate in real combat because they can’t get the HONEST details and don’t want to admit it?

According to the Public Broad Casting System PBS, it is becoming laughable on how reluctant elected official are when it comes to interviews with the news media. 

Some possible reasons why 20 Veterans might be committing suicide every day?
Lets us not forget the main Medias incorrect information about:
1.  Weapons of Mass Destruction.

2.  Media  half-truths that 9-11 is why we invaded Iraq.

3.  Medias incorrect information that helped a great deal in captivating us all into war. Information about Kuwaiti babies being taken out of incubators and placed on the cold hospital floor to die.  This was a planed lie by our government to give a reason for politicians to vote for war. 

Just like beheadings and killing schoolchildren are today a reason for World wars?

Carl G. Mueller, Vietnam 1968

Please help stop our nations warring attitude using any of your skills.
Example:  ART blog at:

More Profile links of Carl:         21 older blogs.   NEWEST 12/9/14  



    Alzheimer’s and Caregivers VS Death with Dignity

  2. No more American boots on the ground in the Middle East.
    Six American soldiers killed and two wounded in Afghanistan, December 20, 2015.

    I again ask the media and others to not let the continuing killings of American soldiers to go unnoticed and not to act as if the soldier’s life deserve less attention then the killings in France or San Bernardino, CA. But please do not over react and use the deaths as a motivation to send more soldiers to the Middle East to die for what? Protecting Oil and America’s military airports.
    Let us not forget US Army commanders conspired to cover up Pat Tillman’s death and attempted to use Tillman as a propaganda tool. Tillman’s mother fought to bring the cover-up to the attention of the media and together they forced the military to admit their cover-up attempt and show again the sickening aspects of America’s leaders. A war brought about by political lies in order to support America’s war machine.
    Google, Pat Tillman and conspired attempt to use Tillman’s death as a propaganda tool
    Google, America’s war machine

    Now the Republican talk is AGAIN about the need for more boots on the ground because
    a few are killed in San Bernardino, CA. Sure it’s bad and so are the many
    others, no longer even shocking, gang murders of Americans in San Bernardino
    every month. I lived there.

    Let us not get pulled into another ground war just because America’s war
    machine is at work again in the United Nations. Remember the Weapons of
    Mass Destruction never happened and over 5,000 of Americas finest are now
    dead because of deliberate lies by our then U.N. representative Colin
    Powell. Lie after Lie.
    Google, U.N. representative Colin Powell. Lie after Lie.
    Carl G. Mueller, Vietnam 1968,
